Revue de police

by DGSN Maroc

News & Magazines


A new application called "Police Review" is now downloadable on your Android smartphone. This application embeds the electronic version of the Revue de Police which is a medium of information and institutional communication, published quarterly in Arabic and French by the General Directorate of National Security,By downloading this app to your mobile device, you can navigate intuitively and easily, choose the language of consultation, scroll through pages, download for an offline consultation, or share articles of your choice with your contacts. You will also receive a notification each time you publish again.Varied and rich headings make up each issue, Royal activities, a special file decrypting a profession of the Police, events marking the news of the National Security, a subject of legal or scientific, a new black inspired business portraits and interviews.In the play section, cartoons made exclusively by police officers broadcast awareness messages for young people.Most :The application includes all issues published since 2014 in PFD-numeric format and will be fed as and when by the old numbers dating back to 1961.The majority of articles, drawings and comics are made by police officers;An awareness comic strip, each time dealing with a new theme;The contribution of renowned experts.